The process to apply for a LPA is now much simplified and is done online.
You will need to go to the following website
Has any of your loved ones lost his or her mental capacity? Were they in a position that they were not able to decide and there were difficulties in determining who is responsible for their personal welfare and finance?
They can make a lasting power of attorney which is a legal document which allows a person who is at least 21 years of age ('donor'), to voluntarily appoint one or more persons ('donee(s)') to make decisions and act on his behalf should he lose mental capacity one day. A donee can be appointed to act in the two broad areas of personal welfare and property & affairs matters.
The role of the LPA certificate issuer is to ensure that the donor has mental capacity to sign the document and that he or she has not been forced to sign it. Dr Saiful was previously one of the top 10 frequently visited medical practitioners who are able to certify the Lasting Power of Attorney in Singapore and is experienced in handling matters relating to mental capacity.
The application of an LPA is now much simplified and has to be done online by the following website
*Ref : Click Here
You will need to log in using your Singpass and to appoint your donee (s). Once your donee(s) has accepted their responsibility online, the final process is to approach our doctor to get the certificate certified online and submitted on your behalf by our doctor.
In addition, our doctor is able to become the witness for the signing of the Advance Medical Directive (AMD). This is another legal document that records down your wishes that you do not wish to have extraordinary life saving measures in the event of a terminal illness or measures that only serve to prolong the moment of death.
Call us at 68726920 to book an appointment with Dr Saiful to make your LPA or AMD!